Sunday, June 23, 2013

Action Research Templete
GOAL:  The goal of this action research is to develop and understand how data can effectively drive instruction and support vertical alignment on campus. 

Revisions to SIP/PIP based on monitoring and assessments
Ensure tier 2 and tier 3 intervention can reoccur immediately when school begins
Organize tier students within each grade level
Classroom teachers and principal
Prior to the first day of class.

As a grade level, data will be recorded in a table to identify classroom needs.
Disaggregate data based on TEK or knowledge and skill
Classroom teachers and principal
Prior to the first day of class

Tier 1 instruction in the classroom will teach areas of concern.
Plan lessons for Tier 1 instruction as a grade level based on data found on last year’s end of year benchmark assessments.
Classroom teachers
Prior to the first day of class

Tier 2 instruction in the classroom will  reteach areas of concern in the classroom
Plan lessons for Tier 2 instruction as a grade level based on data found on last year’s end of year benchmark assessments.
Other Materials
Classroom teachers
Prior to the first day of class

Tier 3 instruction will  reteach areas of concern in the classroom
Agree upon lessons that will guide tier 3 instruction
Other Materials
Classroom teachers, CCC’s (curriculum specialists)
Prior to the first day of class. 

Assessment days will be planned and given on the assigned day.
Map curriculum to incorporate benchmark testing days
Curriculum Director, CCC’s, and myself
Prior to each six weeks
(occurs 6 times)

Data can be  Disaggregated based on TEK or knowledge and skill
Evaluate data each six weeks to continue spiraling instruction
CBA tests (where applicable)
Teacher created six week tests in other grade levels
Classroom teachers, and principals
During PLC as assessments are given

Strengthen Tier 1 instruction
Determine needs for Tier 1 instruction
Six-week assessment data
Classroom teachers, principal
During PLC as assessments are given

Strengthen Tier 2 instruction
Determine and update needs for Tier 2 instruction. Evaluate previous programs used for interventions
Six-week assessment data
Classroom teachers, principal
During PLC as assessments are given

Strengthen Tier 3 instruction
Determine and update needs for Tier 3 instruction. Evaluate previous programs used for interventions
Six-week assessment data
Classroom teachers, CCC’s and principal
During PLC as assessments are given


  1. Nicole, I think your template is great. My school has been looking at tiered instruction. One of the things we have been looking at is how to get more students back to Tier 1 instruction. It would be nice to see how your research goes.

    I have one question...

    Are teachers already planning these lesson for Tiered instruction or is this something new that they are doing this year?

    Good Luck with your research this school year:)

  2. I really like your template and your topic. I think that vertical alignment in curriculum planning is very important being a math teacher. I read in your template that you plan on evaluating benchmark data every six weeks... I wonder if there is a way that you could do this more often by using shorter benchmarks more frequently. I think that this would not take as much time away from normal curriculum and give you more well rounded data. Just a thought...

  3. Van,
    Our teachers plan tier 1 and tier 2 instruction to take place in the classroom. Tier 3 is planned and implemented by our RTI specialists.

    Good idea. As a matter of fact we found out today that our district will be implementing a plan that requires a short benchmark every 3 weeks instead of 6 weeks. I hope this will help us tie all the data together.

  4. Great plan! One question, what is AIMSWEB?

  5. Hey Nicole-great plan! I think it is great that you are looking at data to drive instruction and differentiate for all 3 levels. Do the teachers collaboratively plan the Tier 1 and 2 together or is each teacher responsible for their own plans based on their students? Also, will you be looking at the data WITH each grade level? I think it would be very powerful to collect the data for them, then sit down and talk about it as a team. It's important that it's not a blame game or who was the shining star, but asking what someone did differently to get the higher scores and people learning from each other!
    Good luck and look forward to reading about it all goes! :)
